


Carola Madariaga es fiel al buen vintage. Seducida por la idea de rescatar prendas ya olvidadas y traerlas de vuelta a la vida. Cada una de ellas, es distinta de la otra y todas guardan una historia personal diferente. La imagen gráfica se basa en esa filosofía, variedad de colores y texturas marcan la gráfica. Un juego gráfico que cada temporada se va cambiando.

Be vintage my friend!

Carola Madariaga is faithful to good vintage. It was seduced by the idea of ​​rescuing forgotten garments and bringing them back to life. Each of them is different from the others, and they all have a different personal history. The graphic image is based on that philosophy; a variety of colours and textures mark the graphic. A visual game that changes every season.

Be vintage, my friend!


© Lucía Meseguer

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